Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And Almost Time to Leave

Leimuiden     9-20-2011     16:45

We've been sitting in the marina now for over two weeks, organizing, cleaning, and trying to get work done to be ready for next year. The weather has generally been miserable, but this afternoon and evening are beautiful for a change. Too bad we spent it tearing apart the "bedroom."

We got an estimate the end of the week for work we were considering having done, and we're still dizzy from the total. Most of it, anything discretionary, will remain undone or will be done by us later. The big job, conservation on the forward hull, has to be done and we don't have the resources yet to do it ourselves. However, when looking at the total we decided we could save a nice piece of change by emptying the area over the problem before we leave instead of paying the current per hour cost to someone else. Besides, we do not like the sleeping arrangements, so why pay someone to tear it out and then put it back? We've spent the better part of the day with limited tools taking out a VERY solidly built-in bed structure. There's a huge sense of accomplishment that comes along with that, as well as an unexpected side benefit -- we can now close the toilet door!! We had thought that time and moisture had warped the door and we would need a power sander to reshape the door at some point. Turns out, it was just pressure from the bed frame pushing on the wall, not the door itself, and now it's a perfect fit. I think the best feeling, though, is that we are really starting to take possession of this boat and make it ours. I've reconfigured the kitchen cabinets in anticipation of a refrigerator next year. We've taken out the big built-in table in the saloon and will probably replace it with something a bit smaller and more versatile next year, but for right now we have lots more room and a much less congested walkway. And now we actually have the possibility of a bed that's big enough. (And I won't have to sleep pressed up against the cold hull!)

In addition, we've made friends with some of our more intrepid neighbors. There are very few humans around, but the wildlife, particularly the birds, are coming out. There are a few of these funny little black waterbirds with white bits on their faces that are terrified of humans, but they come nagging for bread in the morning now.

 And there is a pheasant family that wanders by in the evening.
The lighting is just too dim to get photos of them, but Dad comes out at other times of the day and suns himself on the local park bench.

We went to see Jeannet yeaterday for what she called a "till next year" party.

Mostly, we just had lunch with her at her summer house,
then hurried to get back to Leimuiden before it turned dark. Now a couple more days of house cleaning and home on Thursday. We do miss the kids, and it's cool and damp enough here in September that we're ready for home.

Anyway, that's life here: slow and winding down for the year.

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