9 June 2013 Leimuiden
Well, we're here. This year's last minute mini disaster was the computer. It crashed the night before we were leaving and nothing, and I mean nothing, would make it work. We spent the early morning of departure skurrying to buy a stop-gap computer and get it set up to enable us to pay bills, Bill to contact his radio buddies, and do minimal e-mail. Among the things we didn't have time/forgot to do was download the program to transfer photos to the computer for the blog. So, we may have to wait till we return home to add photos. The next issue is that we seem to be in a trough between a bunch of almost mega yachts and new buildings here that is blocking signals. We can't figure out if the problem with internet connection is due to the new computer or the location. So, you out there who actually ready this may be a bit disappointed this time around. I'll do my best to keep the news coming when possible, but so far it's been a real challenge.
We do finally have the phones working, new numbers again this year which is always an irritation. We've been here about 4 days and are nearly settled in. Have been to visit Jeannet. She forgot to renew her driver's license and is thus transportation challenged until she can satisfy the authorities that she's still safe to drive. We had a picnic with her at her summer house. We only had a car for 3 days this year, instead of a week, and did manage to get most of the necessities dealt with. Thank you to all who prayed for warm weather. It's been sunny and warm since we arrived, turning cooler and windy yesterday, and now the sun has disappeared. It's given us an excuse to stay indoors and organize, and most of that is finished. Bill's even gotten his radio set up sooner than he expected. My summer garden is planted. Now we can just relax and watch the other boats going in and out until it turns sunny and warm again (tomorrow or Tuesday) and then we have to get back to work painting and cleaning.
I will do my best to figure out how to load this onto the net and get some photos attached. Tot ziens, y-all
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