13 August 2013 Gouda
Sorry this blog has has so little to share this summer. The internet connections have been abysmal, and it's put a crimp on the spontaneity of our entries. It's also been an extremely lazy summer, something we've enjoyed no end.
We spent a couple more days in Amsterdam, mostly walking around and enjoying the people watching. It finally rained more than a few drupples. We thought about going to the Anne Frank house, but the lines were out the door, down the street
and down a couple of blocks so we settled for a beer and nibbles instead at one of the canals in the Jordaan. Then it was off to Weesp.
We'd been there two years ago, so knew where the best moorings were.
This is a photo for a chum of Bill's who claims we haven't posted a photo of the boat, or at least not one he's noticed. After a very quiet week in Weesp, we were off again to the south of Amsterdam and a week of very quiet moorings along canals with nothing but a ring to tie up to, perhaps somewhere to leave the trash, and real birdsong in the morning instead of trucks and traffic.
Gouda was an interesting mooring experience. I've been doing better I guess, Dutch sailor types have been telling me I've done well docking in some rather tight places. Our current spot is tight between an antique wood boat in back and a nice pristine new boat in front. We're so close that the flagpole in back rubs against the antique boat's spar.
We'll most likely be here for another week. We're hoping Jeannet can get here for a visit. She's had problems with her ankle and can't get around so well this summer, but she's hoping that one of her children can drive her as we have a relatively easy access mooring here.
Sorry there's not more to report. Till next time, take care of yourselves, best ---